A Souls Journey:

Counselling, Physchotherapy, Supervision and Shamanic Healing

01458 831272

Shamanic Psychotherapy


‘The shamans are the ones who are said to understand in a spiritual sense, the nexus of the mind, the body and the soul.  Their chief task has always been to heal their people of the ills of humanity – whatever forms those maladies might assume.’  (1985, p6) Achtberg




Shamanic psychotherapy brings together the ancient techniques and understanding of the shamanic world view, and modern psychotherapy to facilitate true soul healing, the real meaning of the term ‘psychotherapy’.  Shamanism recognises the importance of finding meaning in our lives, of recognising our sense of connection in the world, not only to other humans, but to the very planet on which we live.  It encourages us to listen to our authentic selves, to connect with our personal power and to heal at the deepest level.  It also encourages us to celebrate our lives, to recognise who we truly are in the world, and to dream our world into being.


Shamanism is one of the oldest forms of spirituality on the planet and the roots of many of today’s religions can be found in Shamanic practices.  Shamanism can be found across the globe and the similarities in this practice connect all peoples and cultures and emphasise humanities relationship with the environment and the planet on which we live.  Today, through quantum physics, there is a growing awareness that the Shamanic world view can be evidenced.  All is interconnected through a web of life and the perception of reality is dependent on the individual.


In traditional indigenous cultures the Shamans were, and frequently still are, the medicine men and women of their tribe, the seers, the healers, and also the counsellors and psychotherapists.  Over thousands of years, similar practices and understandings developed the world over which recognised that all sickness is rooted in our soul or essence and techniques were developed to facilitate healing.


In Shamanic psychotherapy I integrate traditional talking therapy with shamanic understanding and healing techniques. The client is always in control of the session, deciding on what we will work on and how.  Prayer, meditation, the use of ritual, of shamanic journeying to return power, to obtain guidance and retrieve lost soul parts along with removing negative energy, can all be integrated into the work.  We can also look at how to create a safe place for yourself mentally and emotionally, along with facilitating a greater understanding of your place in the world, and making meaning out of your existence at this time and place.  The work here is very much about connecting with your very essence, the things that make your heart sing and sessions will be structured in such a way to facilitate each individuals healing.


Whilst I bring to the session the same level of professionalism as in my other counselling and psychotherapy work, and still adhere to the BACP ethical framework within my work, this type of work steps outside the remit of the BACP, as it involves healing techniques not currently recognised within the psychotherapy profession.  Sessions will last 1.5hrs and it is suggested that at least 4 sessions are undertaken, but this negotiable and sessions do not have to be weekly.






'We have it in our power to begin the world again'


Thomas Paine, 1977


 01458 831272

